Monday, August 26, 2019

Holy Poop, Do People Still Blog?

Good Afternoon Human,

I used to have a wee little blog full of ramblings and navel gazing, and it helped get me through some lonely, scary, crazy shit. From 2005 to 2012 it was a refuge, a diary, and a general "Do Not Try This At Home" manifesto.

The biggest reason I stopped blogging there is that I can't get into the damned thing. I set it up so the only recovery was a phone number that I have not had access to in many, many years. Have I considered texting the current owner of that number and saying "Hey Homie, you don't know me, I'm sure I signed your number up for ALL KINDS OF SPAM, but would you possibly send me a google security code I'm about to ping your phone number with? Thanks! Love you bunches! Bye!"

And that's just weird. I mean, I'm weird, but it's more ugh-inducing than messaging your "Number Neighbor." So, here we are.

Once upon a time I was "Every Kiss Begins With Kay." Yep, like the jewelry commercial. Then some coworkers got ahold of my blog address, because I was a young idiot blogging from air force computers when I was bored at work. And then I was California Kay, because I'm still Kay, and I was in California. I thought it was soooooo creative. But I'm also the person who named her mini dachshund Lolo, "Because she's low low." Whatever, the name still makes me laugh, she'll be 11 next month and that dog is my world.

Welcome to Kay Minus California.
I'm sure it'll still be rambling and navel gazing, but no one is holding a squirt gun to your head and forcing you to read this, are they? If they are, pick up your cell phone, dial 911, and ask for a pepperoni pizza. They'll ask if you realize you've dialed emergency services, tell them yes, say you want the pizza extra large and you need it delivered asap. Give them your address. Remain calm. Keep reading. Help is on the way.

I mean, you could get a cheese pizza, or a meat lovers pizza, or any damn pizza you want.

Yeah.... This blog is going to be just as lame as all of the others.

Tell your friends!